Tuesday 6 March 2018

Will GOP House candidates step away from Trump? Bet on it. The calendar is key.

When the threat of a late-filing primary challenger passes, Republicans won't have to stay tethered to their fraying red MAGA hats. The smart ones will toss them.

With the 2018 congressional elections looming large, Republicans have much to fret about, false bravado notwithstanding.
President Trump's approval rating is hovering at 40%, well below the comfort level for GOP House candidates this year. They are on rocky terrain in districts that are not gerrymandered in their favor, and under water even in many that are drawn to give them an advantage.
The math simply doesn’t work for them. Democrats only need to pick up 24 seats to take the House. According to Real Clear Politics, in a generic ballot, Democrats top Republicans 45.9% to 36.6%, placing congressional Republicans even lower than where Trump is with the electorate.
At this particular snapshot in time, Republicans appear be to hurtling forward on a kamikaze mission as their unpopular, alarming and erratic president fuels their mission. It’s lunacy. But perhaps there’s a method to the GOP madness. 
The primary calendar may hold some clues. 
As each state’s GOP primary filing deadline passes, look for congressional Republicans to begin to distance themselves from Trump. With no threat of a late-filing Trumpkin challenger funded by Mercer family money, Republican candidates no longer need to stay tethered to their fraying red MAGA hats. He or she can exhale — somewhat — and begin the process of reaching out to voters who are opposed to Trump. 
And then, as each actual primary date passes, expect even more GOP congressional incumbents to become even more “woke.” They'll begin to sound more like Evan McMullin, Mitt Romney, John McCain and John Kasich than Roy Moore, Donald Trump, Wayne Lapierre and Sean Hannity. Once it’s safe to back away slowly from Trump, many will do so in order to save their own political hides.
As of now, only about a dozen states’ filing deadlines have passed. 
But as Trump bends to the randomness of his daily whims and places them in jeopardy, Republicans will come to the full realization that they need to run their own races. Whether it’s a sudden authoritarian gun confiscation thought bubble uttered out loud that's immediately followed by a sharp, NRA-induced reversal, or an aggressive, bumbling trade war seemingly borne from the emotional toll on the president from yet another week of political missteps and upheavals, the chaos isn’t subsiding.
But will a slow pivot be enough to turn the tide that’s been pounding the Trumpified GOP for the past year with each new Trump headline or tweet?
Recent special elections and voter registration spell trouble in places long considered “safe” to the point where even Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is getting a run for his considerable money as the prognosticators shift his seat from “Safe Republican” to a squishier, scarier “Lean Republican”.
While special elections and congressional mid-terms are traditionally low turnout elections for minorities, high African-American turnout in Alabama kept Republican Roy Moore out of the U.S. Senate. It was driven up by the many allegations of Moore's past improper contact with teen girls and his proposal to eliminate all amendments after the 10th Amendment, which would include those prohibiting slavery and giving women and African Americans the right to vote.
The March 13 special election in Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district is yet another bad omen for the Party of Trump. The once safe Republican district, which Trump won by 20 points, is now considered a “toss-up.”
Democratic and anti-Trump energy is skyrocketing with record voter intensity.  Wisconsin Democrats flipped a solid red state Senate seat in a special election. Last month a Democrat easily won a special election in a Kentucky state House district Trump carried 72%-23%. In fact, since the 2016 elections, 39 state legislative races across the country have flipped from Republican to Democrat
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Anti-Trump sentiment will gain even more steam as special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in U.S. elections and possible collusion and conspiracy with the Trump campaign continues to bear down hard. The Intelligence Community confirms that Russia meddled in our 2016 election, including a robust, covert social media operation using fake personas, and that Russia is now poised to similarly disrupt the 2018 elections.
"If we don't change the dynamic here, this is going to continue — and 2016 won't be viewed as something isolated, this is something that will be sustained over time... Clearly what we've done hasn't been enough," Admiral Mike Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, recently told Congress in testimony on the Russian cyber attacks.
Despite Congress voting nearly unanimously last summer to impose sanctions on Russia for its election interference, Crimea invasion and other crimes, Trump refuses to impose the sanctions and Republicans have shied away from treating Putin as their bete noire. They have instead chosen an unpatriotic, awkward silence — at least for now. As primary election dates near, let’s hope Republicans find their footing along with their spines. 
Cheri Jacobus, a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors, is a Republican consultant and commentator and president of Capitol Strategies PR. Follow her on Twitter: @CheriJacobus.
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